"Me Time" Ideas for Busy Moms

Making time for ourselves seems impossible sometimes. Although, I've learned to enjoy "me time" in small increments, which is typically all I need for a boost in mom-energy. No matter when or how you can squeeze in time for yourself, it's important to give yourself those moments to reenergize. Check out these "me time" ideas for when you only have a few minutes, when you have a longer period of time, or even WHILE you are mom-ing!

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Quick "Me Time" Ideas

Enjoy A Face Mask

I keep sheet masks on hand. To me, they are much easier to work with, and they typically only stay on for 15 - 20 minutes.

Splurge During A Meal

As women, we think a lot about what we eat, and most times when we splurge we feel guilty about it. There's nothing wrong with splurging a little sometimes. In fact, it's good for you, especially if you are eating on a plan. Allowing yourself a guilt free splurge helps keep the cravings down.

Lay In Bed A Few Minutes Longer

Are the kids still asleep? Don't just hop out of bed and start going. Take a few extra minutes to lay there and wake up while relaxing. I have a much better day when I have time to wake up on my own rather than having to go, go, go, right when my feet hit the ground.


Our bodies need exercise, and it will eventually improve your mood and energy levels if you keep it up. There are unlimited options for 10 - 30 minute workouts that you can do at home with nothing other than yourself.

Watch A Show

Are the kids entertaining themselves? We all know this doesn't last long, but you can definitely squeeze in a show. My favorite time to do this is while I fold clothes!

Listen To A Podcast

You can listen to a podcast while you are cleaning, running errands, cooking, etc. I've linked two of my faves below.

"Me Time" Ideas When You Have More Time

Make A Lunch Date With Your Girlfriends

The kids are going to be at camp, Honey's house, or somewhere that's not with you. Rather than thinking of all the things you can do around the house that day, plan a lunch date with your friends. I mean, really, when is the last time you saw them without all of the kids running around?

Listen To A Book

Have some spare time? Listen to an audio book.

Watch A Movie

When is the last time you watched an entire movie of your choosing?

Start A Hobby

You don't have to start something intricate. Afterall, this post reminds us how little time we have to do other things. Still, starting something that's just for you is never a bad thing. Find a hobby that gets your creative juices flowing, brings in a little extra cash, or something you've always wanted to try.

Recently, I started selling things around the house on Ebay. It's been two weeks, and I've made $77! I've really enjoyed doing it too.

Check me out on eBay!

Grocery Shop Without The Kids

I feel like you already understand the amazing-ness of this idea without saying anything else.

Date Night (or Day) With Your Husband

Although we don't get them often, I absolutely adore spending the day with my hubby. Although every person needs time that's just for them, "us time" is one of my favorite ways to spend "me time."

"Me Time" Ideas WHILE You're Mom-ing

Listen To A Podcast Or Book

I enjoy listening to podcast while I clean. It keeps my mind busy and helps the time pass. I also seem to clean for longer when I have something going in my ear.

Here are two of my favorite podcasts:

Slow Down And Enjoy A Treat

Maybe you're running errands or cleaning the house... whatever you are doing, hit pause for a few minutes and enjoy a treat. For me, this would probably be a snack, for others it may be coffee, a quick stretch, or a walk around the neighborhood. If the kids are with you, let them enjoy your slow down with you.

Skip The Chores

Sometimes, one of the best ways to rejuvenate yourself is to skip out on your typical chores for the day. It may seem like a burden in the future, but it will be okay!

"Me Time" Ideas

How do you squeeze in "me time?" Let us know in the comments!


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